How to Locate a Hot Spot
Today we’re going to talk about a hot water heater slab leak we recently fixed.
Our customer noticed a hot spot in their baby’s bedroom. He happened to have a thermal imaging camera and used the camera to determine that there was a hot spot on the floor in the baby’s room. This is uncommon—there are not supposed to be hot spots on your floor! A hot spot means you have an issue.
Find the Cause
Our customer then had a company come out to locate the source of the problem. This company found that the hot water heater was the culprit.
How We Fixed the Issue
He then called in Plumbing Dynamics and we had to make a hole in his floor to take out the broken line because the leak happened to be in a concrete beam. We rerouted the line and brought it up to the water heater in a new location in the water heater room. Now the customer can have hot water throughout the house and won’t have to tear out his water heater or the water lines and make a mess if there are any further problems.
The leak is fixed, and our customer is happy!
Your Next Step
If you think you have a hot spot on your floor, or if you have any other plumbing concerns or questions, contact us today at 214-929-3431! Plumbing Dynamics is here to help with your leak in Carrollton, TX!