Why Under Slabs Are So Dangerous


About Slab Leaks

Plumbing problems are never fun for homeowners. One of the biggest issues that Dallas homeowners dread is a problem with their foundation. A common problem with this is a slab leak that has gone unnoticed for far too long.

Defining Under Slab Leak Detection

Most Texas homes are built on the foundation of a concrete slab. Foundation leaks are most easily defined as water leaks below the concrete slab foundation of a building. It is important to note that a foundation leak is nothing that should ever be taken lightly. There are several health concerns that follow a leak if it is left unnoticed or uncared for.

The main health concern with regard to this issue is that leaking water inevitably leads to mold. If people in a building breathe in mold for an extended period of time, they are putting themselves on the path of some serious respiratory issues.

Aside from mold impacting the health of people living above a slab leak, there are physical problems that can occur with a leaking foundation. If left alone, a slab leak can begin to rot affecting the supporting structure of a building and creating a problem. Concrete slabs are naturally vulnerable to shifting, buckling, and cracking, but leaving an under-slab foundation leak unrepaired only exacerbates the initial problem at hand.

What are the Causes of Under Slab Leak?

Under-slab leaks can be caused by several unique reasons, but one of the most common problems with foundation repair problems is clay below the foundation.

Also, when heaving and shifting soils underneath your slab occurs, these movements put a large amount of pressure on the slab and eventually cause the concrete to heave, shit, and ultimately, crack under pressure.

Luckily, if you catch a leak in your foundation early, despite the shifts in the ground and potential slab damage already in place, you are putting yourself in a good position to have a foundation repair performed on your property. But remember, knowing how to detect a slab leak is half the battle.

Determining Under Slab Leak Detection

Fortunately for Texas homeowners, there are several signs of a slab leak that can result in early detection and a successful foundation repair.

Spike in Your Bill

A leak in your plumbing is going to go hand-in-hand with a water bill that is higher than normal. It means that water is running 24/7, and not when you decide that it goes ‘on’ and ‘off.’ Compare your water bills from past months and see when the excessive amount began to kick in. If you haven’t had any reasonable causes for higher water usage like house guests, then the probability of a leak in your plumbing is fairly high.

Water Begins to Form in Places it Shouldn’t

An ‘under slab’ leak means accumulations of water underneath the foundation pool up until it finds its way into the sunlight. Look out for water that looks like it is pouring out from the home. If you can’t find a credible source for the leaking water like a hose or a spigot, then you most likely have to deal with the problem of leaking under the slab.

Indoor Dampness or Warped Flooring

A leak in the foundation of a home is not only visible on the outside of a home but can also show signs in the interior of the home as well. Water from a leak in your foundation will accumulate upwards and eventually reach your flooring causing visible damage like warped flooring, or even damp carpet in affected areas.

Mold Alert!

One of the biggest dangers of a slab leak that we have already discussed is mold! Not only can you find mold on the outside of your house, but you can begin to find mildew making its way under your carpet, and your home’s walls, and that can be very dangerous for your family.

As mold begins to grow, you may not see it but the smell will give itself away. If you suddenly notice a musty smell coming from your walls, start to look around for other signs of slab leaks.

Decreases in Water Pressure

With water constantly leaking out of your pipes due to your plumbing issue, a decrease in water power is something to look out for. If you notice a decrease in water pressure, especially when there are no other fixtures in use, then a leaking foundation could definitely be your problem.

Under Slab Leak Detection Process and More

The process of slab leak repair begins with your local licensed plumber completely understanding the layout of your home. A plumber should have all utilities located and marked, the appropriate permits, and the professional equipment that will properly get the job done. Slab leak repair is usually performed in one of two ways; penetration or tunneling.

Slab Penetration

Slab penetration is a method that utilizes a jackhammer to dig a hole that grants direct access to the leak. While this is an effective method, keep in mind that you will have to think about replacement costs and the possibility of lots of noise throughout the process.


The tunneling method requires creating a path from underneath the slab. This is a much less invasive process that comes with no need for interior demolition. This is usually the most cost-effective solution when a plumber is dealing with multiple leaks.

Beyond the Methods

Once the leak is located, a plumber will remove the ruined section of the pipe and replace it with a new piece. After this is completed, a final test will be conducted in order to ensure that the job was successful. If so, a well-trained crew will properly clean the work area by washing down the driveways, patios, and walkways of the home.

Plumber For Under Slab Leak Detection Puts a Stop to Your Slab Leaks

If your property is experiencing symptoms of a slab leak, contact our plumber to perform under-slab leak detection.  is a team of plumbers in Carrollton, Texas that serve the DFW metroplex. We can handle slab leak detection in Carrollton, TX effectively and safely. Get in touch with us today at 214-929-3431 to find out how to schedule under-slab leak detection for your home.

Get $250 Off any slab leak repair when you redeem our online coupon and schedule now!

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